Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oh, Luna...

I know this may create many an eye roll. But something about the NASA bombing of the moon on Friday makes me sad... And I realized it's because I feel like we are injuring an actual being.

I know that the moon is the big, dead rock. And perhaps studying a giant cloud of dust for ice particles is somehow relevant to our scientific progress. But on some primal level, I sense that we're slapping our heavenly beauty in the face...stabbing her...scarring her further. And as silly as it irrational and dare I say even "sappy" as it is - it is genuinely bothering me. It fills me with a dense melancholy, but not a personal one. It's the type of grayness that infects my state when a global tragedy occurs...when the connective tissue of humanity is violated.

On Friday, I will light a candle for Luna, and I will apologize to her...


MattyZ said...
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Steve Patterson said...

You're a sensitive soul, and it's natural, as you explain, that you'd feel uneasy with this. But...damnit, we have to bomb something! We're Americans!

Seriously, look at this way: nothing they could zap it with would have the fraction of the impact of those meteors and asteroids that gave it Tycho and other picturesque pockmarks. (Especially Tycho...the radiant lines on that thing!)

The old beast will shine on.